10 September 2005

"here are the nominated tag lines thus far..."

hi hi!!!

I've taken the liberty of putting up the nominated tag lines that huimin (aka jam) has taken the time to consolidate so far..

o Unleashing Dreams, Inspiring Change
o Empowering Dreams, Inspiring Change Together
o Empowering Youth, Inspiring Change
o Empowering Youths, Realising Dreams
o Embracing dreams, inspiring youths
o Youth Empowered by Aspirations and Hope
o Youth Embracing Aspirations and Hope
o Empowering our Youth, Improving our Future
o A new tagline!

A few of us have issues with YEAH! and how it might confuse the public about YEAH!, the signature project/programme from South West CDC. We might want to re-think on being more original without trying to borrow accronyms too much.

It would be a bonus if we had accronyms in our catch phrase like "Have you been MAD today?" from heartware network. MAD being Making A Difference. (i think most of us would know that one.. hahas)

(: cast in your votes, nontheless!
and great suggestions everyone!

12:28 PM. By: anj