30 December 2005

"BYE BYE 2005, HELLO 2006!"

Hi all,

it's that time of the year again for us all to do our own self-reflections and plan ahead for the coming year. What was the greatest gain you have for year 2005? What new year resolutions you have for 2006?

Cool...everyone made it. December Panel Meeting went on smoothly!! Let's keep it that way! *Applause! Applause!*

There would be more things coming our way. Browsing through the January applications...doing online votings.....meeting up the applicants whom we vote "Let's Meet!" ...and then January panel meet. Of course, not forgetting fellow panelists who are involved in the YCM Official Launch in March 2006, putting in new new ideas and preparing for our respective roles...amid our work or studies.

Oh I do "hear" some of you groaning "headache". Hey let's keep our spirits upfloat ok?

I presume we can also start "head-hunting" for our successors already. Hahaha. For anyone whom you think can sit on the 2nd YCM Youth Panel, I think we can email our YCM Secretariat.

As 2005 becomes history, let's embrace the coming year in a new positive manner and allow each and everyone of us to flourish in our personal growth. Start afresh!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alan aka Humourboi

3:55 PM. By: Administrator ( 0 comments)

27 December 2005

"Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!"

okay, so christmas came and went, so did our meeting!!
hope everyone enjoyed the last meeting... glorious food and gift exchanging and of course, our main course: the final voting..


Here's wishing all of us a Happy New Year!!!
And may the new year be a better year for us all!!

P.S.: I heard publicity needs some brainstorming done for the March Launch...
so do help!

1:23 PM. By: anj ( 0 comments)