15 March 2006

"Young Change Makers Launch!!!!"

Hi everyone,

I hope all of you do enjoy the launch on Saturday.

It was a hectic morning isn't it? Thank goodness, everything went on smoothly without any major hiccup. We all deserved a pat on our shoulders ya? *clap clap clap!!!!!*

For all those new panellists who join us for the next 1 year, I hope that it would be a rewarding experience for you. At least for me, it is. In terms of personal development.

Anyway, you will understand even better about the YCM funding process, when you complete the grantmaker training session coming up in mid-April.

In meantime, do share with us all the photos here, if you have taken snapshots during the launch last Saturday. One of our new panellists, Tan Huiyi would upload some photos here on Friday. =)

MCYS Youth Division online portal Youth.sg wants me to contribute an article on the YCM Launch. You see, I am one of the article contributors. Hehehe. Hopefully I can write out a good one for them.

Alan aka Humourboi

12:10 AM. By: Administrator ( 1 comments)

12 March 2006


the 2nd panel is coming up soon!!!

Officially, they're called as the "first panel"...
but really, to us it's the 2nd panel, innit?

in any case, yes i'm updating, i'm updating!
hold your horses for a bit yeah...? =)

the side margin stuff may look empty now, but i promise to update as and when while we go along!


taken off alan's nice blog...
here's a picture of minister dr vivian balakrishnan and parl. secretary dr maliki..
at our launch press conference.. =)

and the big bang..

okay, well if there're other great stuff to blog about our lovely panel, i'm sure we'll all do our best to put it up here right? ;)

3:27 PM. By: anj ( 0 comments)