10 July 2006

"harlow? harlow?"

hello one and all!!

now let's see... no one's really blogging besides alan and i, so COME ON!!! just blog already!
if you need the login name and password, feel free to call alan or i or ask shawn or kenghwee or june (if she's still around when you finally read this!).

ANYWAY, i'm in panel 2, and some of you are in panel 3.. it's tough for 2 panels to KIT with each other, but we're trying here, yeah? we're trying! =) to bring both panels out on outings, get-togethers, and all that...

of which, i'd like to propose to both panels to make a day in 3rd week of JULY or 3rd week of August free, so that we can all meet up and go for a movie! Quite honestly, i'm not sure if it'll be still screening by August slot or not...

Anyway, 4 days for all of you to choose from, for July:
17th July (monday); Evening
18th July (tuesday); Evening
21st July (friday); Evening
23rd July (sunday); afternoon/evening?

Why are we doing a rushed July meet-up movie outing?
simple answer: Coz dearest JUNE here, is LEAVING for melborne.
you see lah, she's abandoning us! sob sob. mwahhaha.. no lah, June's leaving on the 25th this month, to fly off to melborne to start a new life there with her newly-wedded hubby (you should see her, she's all rosy and blushing the moment you start teasing her about it).

And what of the August outing?
answer: it's just for those who missed July's outing. honestly, we should all turn up for July's outing.. we could have a great big farewell dinner for June... yeah?
but if you really can't make it, then in August we shall have another movie outing.. =)

The few of us from the Welfare committee (um, aka the whiskyns) have decided for all of us to watch "Pirates of the Carribean 2" only because it's got really good looking guys acting in it. ;)

no seriously, we wanted to watch the sequel and find out what happens to ditzy captain jack. =P

now, can all of you (YES, I MEAN ALL) please proceed to looking at your various calenders, organizers, PDA appointment software, laptop lotus notes, ms outlook (whatever it is you use to store your appts and meetings), and tell our dearest secretariats june and shawn, when you're free.

we'll pick the day where a majority of us are free.. if you have to miss it, i suppose we could catch up with lunch or dinner another day! haha..

date line to RSVP is by the end of July..

I can't do anything unless you help me out here with some dates and stuff like that...

Other welfare matters...

1. September retreat
okaaay, edmund and i are in the midst of planning for the retreat. Essentially, it's YCM's workplan forum, but unofficially, it's play time after the discussions and refresher classes. ;)
Generally, that's what's going on with the plans at the moment.

2. SCRAPS book
alright, we need help. honestly, yes, i'm begging all of you...
please come up with some comments, bombard ling over the phone, on the internet, during meetings, flood her with your comments of what you think of YCM currently (your work in progress thoughts and all) so that we can put it down into our little scrapbook!

12:38 PM. By: anj ( 0 comments)